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Safety Pallet Gates



    High-level opening used for loading operations poses a serious risk of falls from height. Industrial, commercial roller shutter doors and conventional swing doors have particularly critical health and safety risks. Traditionally these openings have been protected by removable bars or chains. These do not meet HSE guidelines as they are dangerous to operate, by bringing workers into proximity danger of...
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  2. New e-brochure for Pallet Gates

    New e-brochure for Pallet Gates

    This comprehensive safety pallet gate range will almost certainly have the perfect solution for your workplace. Whether you are loading by forklift truck or overhead hoist there is a safety gate system that will meet your obligations in providing fool-proof fall protection whilst alll loading operations are carried out. All models meet BS EN ISO 14122-3:2016 standard for safety pallet...
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  3. How to Fall Protect your High-Level Loading Space

    How to Fall Protect your High-Level Loading Space

    SIGMA UNIVERSAL SAFETY PALLET GATE Fall protection for some high-level loading areas has been a difficult problem to solve until now. The unique Sigma universal safety pallet gate is proven to provide fool-proof safety that is not possible with removal bars, chains, swing gates or standard up-and-over pallet gates. The top-selling Sigma universal pallet gate represents the gold-standard in the...
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  4. 4 Important Questions for Safe Loading Access on Mezzanine Floors

    4 Important Questions for Safe Loading Access on Mezzanine Floors

    Mezzanines in the workplace present a severe risk to employees. Though these platforms are useful and often necessary for storage and or additional workspace, the creation of additional fall hazards must not be overlooked (Falls from height are one of the most common accidents at work). If you ever need to access an elevated platform, and that platform is more...
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  5. How Do I Specify a Custom-Built Pallet Gate?

    How Do I Specify a Custom-Built Pallet Gate?

    What type of pallet/loading safety gate do you need? Whatever the situation, you will need to ensure that your personnel are protected at all times. This means an enclosure which surrounds the loading area with a double safety gate system to secure the area in which material is to be loaded and unloaded in your facility, a double pallet gate...
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  6. How to Manage Safety on Mezzanine Floors

    How to Manage Safety on Mezzanine Floors

    Mezzanines and other high level platforms are commonly used for storage purposes and If built and used properly, these platforms can be a boon for companies that need extra capacity but without investing in larger premises. However, there has been many incidents where workers have injured themselves when working at unprotected openings. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has urged...
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  7. Why do YOU need a Safety Pallet Gate?

    Why do YOU need a Safety Pallet Gate?

    There are no acceptable excuses for not providing your workers with a safe working environment. High-level mezzanine floors, loading docks, hoist openings and doorways used for loading pallets etc. MUST have adequate and fool-proof fall protection at all times. Chains, swing gates, lift-out gates, sliding gates and push gates just don't cut it!  They can be left open and are...
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  8. Loading platform was 'disaster waiting to happen' before fall fatality

    Loading platform was 'disaster waiting to happen' before fall fatality

    Nick Phillips, senior environmental health officer at Chiltern District Council, which brought the prosecution, told IOSH Magazine that the victim had worked for the company for around six months but had been moved to the goods-in department just one week before the accident. William Richardson was unloading a delivery from a first-floor loading platform at the warehouses on 25 November 2014. One...
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  9. Is YOUR Loading Platform Edge Protection Adequate?

    Is YOUR Loading Platform Edge Protection Adequate?

    Hi-Gate Safety Loading Gate System Key Features * Open top allows unlimited load height * Conformance with BS EN ISO 14122-3:2016 * Can be loaded by forklift or hoist * Bespoke model with inside width up to 2.0 metres x inside depth up to 4.0 metres * Plus special doorway opening version * Anti-slam damper fitted as standard * Easy...
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  10. Pallet Gates - Frequently Asked Questions

    Pallet Gates - Frequently Asked Questions

    Here we endeavour to answer our pallet gate buyers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find an answer to your specific question, you can call us on 0161 223 1990 or email:  Q - What type of safety pallet gate do I need? A - For loading standard-size pallets onto a mezzanine floor, most models on the market...
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  11. Pallet gate for loading and unloading by vacuum crane

    Pallet gate for loading and unloading by vacuum crane

    Mezzbarriers Modular Construction Pallet Gates and Personnel Safety Gates MEZZBARRIERS Pallet Gates are constructed using Interclamp© tube clamps Most models can be linked directly to new handrails and existing railing systems. This system allows, in the event of the pallet gate being damaged from a forklift or general use, the individual fittings can be easily replaced. Gates are supplied with main...
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  12. How to Load Tall Pallets on to a Mezzanine Floor

    How to Load Tall Pallets on to a Mezzanine Floor

    Lift-out gates, sliding gate and swing gates used to secure mezzanine pallet access areas are constantly being left open in the handling of pallets in many industries. In the distribution centres (Where products are developed, manufactured, packaged or stored) elevated mezzanine platforms are used which have an opening in the guardrails to allow palletised material to be stored, lifted, and...
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